When a photographer asks me to take their pictures, I always get a sense of nervous excitement because I am honored that they want me to take their photos, but it also challenges me to take better/more creative pictures. Recently, when Amanda of A. Staats Photography agreed to be my second photographer at a wedding 4+ hours from her home, taking a few pictures of her and her boyfriend, TJ, was the LEAST I could do to thank her!
After their 4+ hour drive, they met me at my hotel and we drove around looking for a decent spot for their session. I decided on an empty gas station was as good as any and though there were several interruptions from the sheriff, incessant honks (isn’t that an odd word?) from people driving by and a really creepy stalker in a beat up black pickup who drove by repeatedly…we still managed to have a fabulous time!  🙂
If you are looking for a phenomenal photographer in the Kansas area, you should definitely check out Amanda’s work! Her website is astaatsphotography.blogspot.com and become a fan of her work at: www.facebook.com/astaatsphotography!
Thanks again for making the drive, dealing with the obnoxiously cold wind and having fun in front of the camera for me! Next time, let’s plan on a longer session and a warmer evening! 🙂

If this doesn’t make you smile, you need to get your face examined…

Go Beavers!

To view all of the photos from their session, check out their online gallery: Amanda & TJ!