So honored to call this country home, there are so many simple things we take for granted every day. 
Freedoms given to us through the sacrifices of others.
Keep your loved ones close this Memorial Day. 
Thinking of those who can’t. 
– b mussack 
I was recently privy to a couple of experiences that make this Memorial Day special for me. First, a friend of mine took me to a Change of Command ceremony at Fort Riley. For someone who didn’t grow up in a military family, and is not familiar with the in’s and out’s of what goes on on Post, this was a pretty incredible thing to see, and something I wish non-military were encouraged to do and see more often. It really brings home the seriousness of the sacrifice of our military; plus they fire off huge cannons. 
Second, I was treated to seeing the Manhattan premier of the movie Memorial Day; a moving film about a WWII veteran opening up to his grandson about his experiences at war. I can’t understand the sacrifice soldiers make- but I think the point of days like today is to let them know that we recognize it, are grateful for it, and will continue to remember those who put duty first. I send out a sincere and overwhelming “thank you” to all who have fought to keep this country protected, and who continue to do so. happy memorial day. 
– Autumn Shoemaker 
Thank you to all of our servicemen and servicewomen who sacrificed their futures to ensure the sanctity of our future. We are unendingly indebted to you and your families. 
– Chris Hsieh