Happy Mother’s Day to the amazing moms who have helped us become the individuals and the photographers that we are today! Also a special thanks to all La Brisa Moms who continue to amaze us with your awesomeness! Moms have the most underrated job ever.
To all moms, kindly watch this video to know how much you are appreciated.
Thank you for your continued love and support. We appreciate you everyday, but today you get a card (hopefully) and a little extra love! =)
~ Chris
My Mom (obviously)!
Autumn‘s Mom!
Sarah‘s Mom!
Emma‘s Mom!
HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! We are hosting a 5 day print sale via Photography For a Cause to raise money for the assistance and relief efforts in Nepal led by littlelama.org until May 11th. Please help us, help others by purchasing our fine art photographs! Our fine art photographs are an amazing belated Mother’s Day Gift!!!
Please share our event with friends and events so that we can support the LITTLE LAMA FAMILY FUNDRAISING APPEAL as much as possible! Thanks so much for sharing our cause with others!