In the mood to try something new and fun? We want the chance to hang out with YOU for a fashion-forward senior photo shoot for 2014 & 2015 seniors! Autumn (Manhattan, KS) and Sarah (Omaha, NE) will BOTH be hosting their own STYLEpaloozas on Saturday, March 29th from 5:30pm-7:30pm! A STYLEpalooza is a super fun, trial run, rapid fire two hour shoot that is limited to 5 high school juniors and/or seniors!
RSVP below if you would like to attend Autumn‘s or Sarah‘s STYLEpalooza! Deadline to sign up is Thursday, March 20th, but only the first 5 to respond in each location will receive details on where to meet for the shoot. We only have a few spots left for Manhattan, KS and Omaha, NE so sign up NOW! Bring your A-game, your favorite outfits and your preferred hair and makeup and we’ll give you the chance to meet Autumn or Sarah in person, and you will receive 5 awesome low resolution watermarked images of yourself.
The best part? It’s all FREE.
No strings attached. This is perfect if you’re nervous or if you want to shop around for senior portrait photographers! If you love the experience? We’d love to rock your own Style Session which includes the following:
- 2 hour session includes 1-2 locations and 2-3 outfits (time permitting)
- USB of all edited high resolution images which you will receive approximately 6-8 weeks after your session date
- Online gallery where you can order professional prints
- Non-commercial print release so that you can print your images wherever you prefer
Questions? Leave a comment or email us at
Here are examples of Autumn‘s recent Style Session images:
Here are examples of Sarah‘s recent Style Session images: