I honestly did not know what to expect when I drove 45 minutes outside of Houston to meet Kelli and Steven in a Best Buy parking lot. Their emails were pleasant and cordial. My creepy stalking of them on facebook was superficial at best (yes, all photographers do this). They had selected a location that was meaningful to them and that made me super excited for their Attraction Session. When they arrived, Steven jumped out of the car to introduce himself with a giant smile on his face and I immediately liked him. Then Kelli stepped out and she was just naturally flawless. Like breathtakingly so. Whoa.

We proceeded together to a few locations and I had a truly fantastic time getting to know them, hearing their story and getting excited for the session. What stood out to me were their tremendous hearts for each other. They were so plugged in to the wishes and preferences of each other that they reminded me of my own marriage of 6 years. They were far beyond the level of most couples and that is an amazing foundation to have going into a marriage. All in all, this was one of my favorite sessions ever and I hope that that is obvious in the following images of Kelli and Steven!

Thank you again for trusting La Brisa to photograph your Attraction Session. I hope that you LOVE your images

You can view more images from her session on the La Brisa Facebook page by clicking HERE.

Check out our latest TOP TEN! post…TOP TEN Reasons Why I am Thankful for Photography!
Check out our latest Dear La Brisa post…Dear Photographers: “How To Prepare For Your First Wedding” By Chris Hsieh!

Tucson Wedding Photographers
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